5 Minutes of Grace 

One Woman's Overcoming Journey Through the Death of Her Son

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 A word from the Author

Just as a Physical wound takes time to heal, our broken hearts, shatter dreams, and hopes take time to heal. It takes time for the Lord to put all the broken pieces back together again. He will and can only if we let him. If we don’t tend properly to a physical wound, it becomes infected. This infection can lead to dismemberment and or death. My prayer is that you don’t allow this tremendous wound of grief to become infected cutting you off from all those who love you, or the death of your priceless heart, and destiny. 

The life and memory of your precious baby who has been summed back to the Father is worth you opening up, and giving all the pain, hurt, guilt, shame, and confusion to the Lord allowing his healing virtue to flow. May you receive comfort as you read the pages describing my journey of healing, which began with 5 minutes of his Grace

About the Book

This Book is a testament of God’s unfailing love, grace, mercy, and loving arms of protection. If you have experienced the overwhelming pain of losing a child or loved one, within these pages you will find hope, healing and encouragement. The Lord stands willing and ready to restore your joy and peace. As you read this book, you will experience the flow of His healing viture, that is able to make you whole in every place you hurt. May you receive comfort as you read the pages describing my journey of healing, which began with "5 minutes of Grace". 

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 What Readers are saying

  • Outstanding

    Natosha Mitchell shares her testimony in a way that the book comes to life and I felt as though I was there. I pray this book blesses everyone that deals with grief!

    L. Buchanan

  • Amazing

    It's amazing how Natosha is so transparent in the loss of her son. Sharing how she overcame overwhelming odds. I think this is a must read for those who are grieving. It is a heartfelt story of beauty for ashes.

    T. Jones


  • Great Book

    Amazing book! Transformative, revolutionary and made me break down into tears! Can’t wait for future books!

    T. Olds-Sample

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 About the Author

Natosha Mitchell is an authentic worshipper and multifaceted leader. As an ordained minister, former dance ministry team director and missionary she has served the Body of Christ in multiple capacities for nearly two decades.  She is the founder and lead coach for Successful Life Coaching, LLC in Roswell, GA where she focuses on inner healing and empowerment.

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